On Tue, 28 Sep 2010, Tyler Leavitt wrote:
[listplugins( ---- [plugin~]-------[route label]-----[append $1(------[popup]
my error is "$1: argument number out of range" so i'm pretty sure it is expecting a float and getting a symbol. i'm sure this is a pretty basic p:d concept but i can't grasp how to send a message with a variable symbol coming in, if that makes sense.
You need something like [list] just after [route], because [route] converts the $1 of 'label' into a selector (the header of the message), and [list] converts the selector back into a $1 (except if the header is 'list', 'symbol', 'float', 'bang', or 'pointer').
If you want a no-exceptions, no-verbosity solution, there is [route3] in GridFlow 9.11, which replaces any selector by 'list', and there is also [route2] in GridFlow 8.4 (and later), which preserves all messages as-is.
| Mathieu Bouchard ------------------------------ Villeray, Montréal, QC