On 2018-01-10 02:53, Miller Puckette wrote:
ep... the make step is decently fast. But I almost never just remake without for some reason having to reconfigure.
i see.
<ad> btw, you can have multiple configurations in parallel.
e.g. the following will prepare to build Pd for linux with and without jack and for W32 (using mingw32 for cross-compilation¹):
$ mkdir build-linux build-linuxjack build-w32 $ cd build-linux; ../configure --enable-jack; cd .. $ cd build-linuxjack; ../configure --enable-jack; cd .. $ cd build-w32; ../configure --host=i686-w64-mingw32; cd ..
then trigger a build for all flavours with:
$ for d in build-linux build-linuxjack build-w32; do \
make -C "${d}" -j4; \
or similar.
fgmasdr IOhannes
¹ cross-building for W32 currently requires christof's PR#275 to properly work.