Hi All,
Related to the current thread about PD tutorials - I'm involved in organising a series of seminars about patching software. The audience is likely to be a mixture from non-patchers through to experienced users of PD/ Max / jMax /Reaktor etc.
The conference in question is Electrofringe, a yearly electronic arts festival in Newcastle, Australia. www.electrofringe.org
Whilst I think that workshop/ tutorial style approaches definitely work best for learning PD or patching in general, we don't have the facilities or sufficient time to offer this.
Instead I'm curious whether people have had interesting and useful seminar or lecture style sessions with patching software.
If so - what was the content and approach?
We're hoping to run sessions which offer something to non-users, experienced users and the presenters... perhaps not at all in a single session obviously.
So far, and based on previous years' experience, we're looking at doing the following:
software options
video... exchange data, ideas and patches and where others may mingle, examine running patches, ask questions and so on.
more on what's possible than on patch implementation - surround sound - video - interconnection (OSC, net streaming etc)
Any ideas, experience greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Daniel