- Antoine Villeret antoine.villeret@gmail.com [2017-10-20 11:48]:
If yes, then you might need a more recent one.
I am using the Debian testing package (0.93.3-12) and would like to
so it's most likely that this is why it doesn't load.
locally compiled (git) Gem. Do you think that compiling pix_opencv locally could also solve the problem?
maybe, but to be honnest I don't remember if pix_opencv uses recent Gem feature, it's worth a try compiling it against Gem 0.93-3
I did, and it throws the same error: _ZN9GemPixObj4SIMDEi
Will (have to) try to compile Gem from git, but this has to wait a few days.
Tried to compile pix_opencv against Gem git. Loading Gem and then pix_opencv threw a similar albeit not identical error:
src/pix_opencv/pix_opencv.l_ia64: src/pix_opencv/pix_opencv.l_ia64: undefined symbol: _ZN7GemBase14beforeDeletionEv translated using c++filt _ZN7GemBase14beforeDeletionEv to GemBase::beforeDeletion()
The last time when I compiled against gem 0.93.3 from Debian testing package the error was GemPixObj::SIMD(int)
Antoine mentions that he is able to load pix_opencv installed from Deken. Is anyone else able to compile/load pix_opencv with Gem 0.93.3 on 64bit Debian testing? Any help is very welcome! It would be sad having to abandon pix_opencv due to these errors.
Thanks! P