Hi Krzysztof,
most of the changes you suggested seem to work. I got terrain~ compiled and can create the object. Only
if ((b = (t_buffer *)(s->s_thing)) && ob_sym(b) == ps_buffer) {
if ((b = (t_buffer *)pd_findbyclass(s, garray_class))) {
makes problems. b is always 0.... I'm not quite shure about what has to happen here but I think we need to create (?) a new t_garray with the name (t_symbol) entered by the user. Right?
I've uploaded the new sources of terrain~ as a zip to ftp://ftp.muart.de/akustische-kunst/pd/PeRColate/ in case someone want's to have a look at it.
btw. is linux port of Pd/PeRColate anywhere available (or planned)?
Yves once said that only minor changes were necessary to get PeRColate compiled for Linux. I don't have access to a Linux box so somebody else would have to do it. On the other hand he also told me about serious problems with crashes. Maybe this has been fixed due to my bug fixes but it might also still happen... One reason for that could be that there is not input checking (as in the original Max version of PeRColate). Everything can be sent to the inlets but some very strange values are likely to cause crashes. All the sources are inlcluded in the PeRColate0.05_sources.zip file... (in case I haven't forgotten anything)