Hallo, marius schebella hat gesagt: // marius schebella wrote:
one of the thoughts is, that I think there is a difference between the "programmer" (the one that writes a patch) and the "user". these two types need different features of gui improvement. the programmer wants to work in a nice environment, where she can set colors and fontsizes of the workspace. but to create better user interfaces she maybe wants to have the possibility to hide cords, color specific objects, make them bigger. the one style (for the workspace) only needs to be set once. but the style for a specific patch may change from patch to patch (according to how the programmer wants the patch to look like. and still, there probably should be the possibility to override another programmers layout with your own -nofancyfirlefanz setting...
I like that option name! ;)
Thanks for clarifying, I think, our opions are quite close.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__