Hmm, I'm hoping to get readsf~/writesf~ working on Windows someday... if I can get this together we migth not need sfplay~ so badly.
cheers Miller
On Sat, Jan 05, 2002 at 12:38:16PM +0100, Krzysztof Czaja wrote:
this is true, and the needed fix seems to be minor: in sfplay_open() move x->please_close = 0; outside of if(x->state != SFPLAY_WAIT) block.
But the sad story is this: who is going to fix that?
And another, even more sad, story is this: the above fix applies to ggee/sfplay~, but since you refer to a tilde-less sfplay, it might be you are talking about zexy/sfplay, which is slightly different (I have not looked at zexy to check if this fix applies)?
Since sfplay~ is the one most badly needed external (at least for Windows users), maybe it is time to clean up sfplay~ and incorporate it into Pd proper (probably under a different name, to avoid confusion with much more versatile max/sfplay~)?
"Andrew (Andy) W. Schmeder" wrote: ...
If you send [sfplay] a 'close' message when there is no file open, then it will ignore the next 'open' message.