I had the same exact problem. My main computer running arch and thr rpi running raspian.
I ultimately solved it by :
on main computer: xhost +
on rpi: export DISPLAY=mycomputer.local:0 # or export DISPLAY= if you don't have avahi running
Then, the display will not pass inside a ssh tunnel but straight on the X11 connection.
Beware that it requires the X server listens to tcp x11 session, which is not the default on arch i guess. You can check that with:
~$ sudo netstat -lntp
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1110/X <-- this line !
Check in the list archive for "X11 forwarding woes" in january 2013, this might help too.
James Dunn wrote:
I have installed Arch linux on my Raspberry Pi and am logging in with ssh -Y raspberrypi.local. I can run xterm fine over the connection but pd fails with no information other than:
$ pd priority 6 scheduling enabled. priority 8 scheduling enabled. watchdog: signaling pd... pd: exiting
If I set the debug level to 5 I get the following information:
$ pd -d 5 set pd_whichmidiapi 2 priority 6 scheduling enabled. priority 8 scheduling enabled. pdtk_watchdog set ::tmp_path {} set ::sys_searchpath $::tmp_path set ::tmp_path {} lappend ::tmp_path {/home/james/pd-externals} lappend ::tmp_path {/usr/local/lib/pd-externals} lappend ::tmp_path {/usr/lib/pd/extra} set ::sys_staticpath $::tmp_path set ::startup_flags {} set ::startup_libraries {} pdtk_pd_startup 0 43 4 {} { {OSS 2} {ALSA 1} {jack 5} } { {default-MIDI 2} {ALSA-MIDI 1} } {DejaVu Sans Mono} bold set pd_whichmidiapi 2 pd: exiting
Any ideas why pd can't run over the ssh connection? It runs fine with the -nogui option.
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