wow, i just found myself asking almost the same question earlier this year, on this list *slap*.
okay, so miller writes:
If you name a subpatch "fred" for instance, you can send messages to "pd-fred". I've used it to add text comments to windows automatically, but in principle you should be able to do anything that appears in a
Pd file (adding and connecting objects).
the problem here is that if you have two abstractions called fred, the actions appear to happen to both of them (i've just been playing with the selectall at the moment), which makes it a little less useful than i had first imagined.
is this something that can be avoided?
On Tue, 25 Sep 2001 11:45:44 +0200 pix wrote:
hi there,
because there is no real documentation on this 'hack' i thought i'd query the pd-list hive-mind first:
regarding the self modifying patches (sending messages to pd-blah.pd etc), is it possible for an abstraction to reference itself somehow? what is the name of the object that you send the messages to?
my real query is, can an abstraction 'reconfigure itself' based on a parameter supplied at creation time?