Georg Holzmann a écrit :
Hallo Hannes, list!
IOhannes m zmoelnig schrieb:
the behringer-mixer won't work with the usb (but you probably know that ;-))
Are you speaking about the beringer MIDI controller with the motorfaders (Behringer BCF2000) ? I thought they work in linux.
yes, i think Iohannes was speaking of this one, because my brother own one. we were using it on windows during the performance on the graz convention. i did not try using it on linux. anyway, even on windows, we do not use the usb port. we just use midi in and out with an external midi/usb interface : internal usb/midi does not work very good. maybee new version should fix this problem...
(I ask because I wanted to buy this device ...)
all i can say is that is a good choice. the fader are not the best fader ever seen, but they are quite good. better than on my motor mix (for 1/4 of the price). intergration on pd is very easy. we add no problem so far using it.
cheers cyrille
I also searched google and i schould work on linux ... ?
Thanks, LG Georg
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