Le 10/09/2017 à 23:50, cyrille henry a écrit :
Le 10/09/2017 à 23:34, Jack a écrit : ...
Don't forget to use just after your geo (if you want your perspective come back) :
[GEMglMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION] | [GEMglLoadIdentity] | [GEMglFrustum -1 1 -1 1 1 20]
this will only work for square windows : unlike the perspec message, frustrum is not affected by the gemwin dimension.
Yes, you need [GEMglFrustum -dimenX/dimenY dimenX/dimenY -1 1 1 20].
My last patch can be simplified thanks to this message. see attachment (change the windows dimension)
Yep, we get a rectangle. ++
cheers c
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