What are A/D/A sync errors caused by?
I don't know, but you can avoid them running jack as USER and Pd as ROOT in order to set it to realtime mode with the "-rt" flag
% su % password : % pd -jack -rt
with this solution, I don't get A/D/A errors, except if I open/close Pd files (and some Pd sub-windows with graphic arrays or tables, for example)
Also I seem to have plenty of spare time available when I run jackd (Thanks for the help by the way!) but I cannot fully utilize it. When I run: sudo jackd -v -R -d alsa -d hw:1 -r 48000 -p 32 Alsa says it cannot allocate a buffersize of 32. 64 seems as small as I can go. How can I circumvent this?
which sound card do you have ? mine doesn't even have 32 smp as buffer size
did you try to use qjackctl ? it's a QT graphical interface for jackd I think.