--- On Thu, 2/4/10, Claude Heiland-Allen claudiusmaximus@goto10.org wrote:
From: Claude Heiland-Allen claudiusmaximus@goto10.org Subject: Re: [PD] [list] output To: "Jonathan Wilkes" jancsika@yahoo.com Cc: pd-list@iem.at Date: Thursday, February 4, 2010, 6:22 PM My top 3 related annoyances (in pd-0.41-4 on Linux).
- "1 2 "--[route
1 ]--[*~] // inlet~ no method for list 2. "1 "--[list trim ]--[*~] // inlet~ no method for list 3. "list 1"--[route list]--.... // outputs on "unmatched" outlet
So would you also want [list( -> [route list] to output on the "list" outlet?