Hi Roman
Thanks, I will try with [readsf~]
Roman Haefeli escribió:
hi berio
assuming you are talking about audio tracks, it depends on what you are planning to do.
if you want to play several tracks synchronously, i'd create one big multitrack wavefile, that is played by one [readsf~ <numbner_of_tracks>]. this has two advantages:
- it doesn't require that much patching
- it won't access your harddisk randomly in order to read several files
synchronously, but it will read all tracks in go (this might increase your maximum bandwidth)
if all tracks are quite short, you might want to load them into tables first. reading from tables has the advantage, that you are reading from RAM, which is very fast (as long as it is really read from RAM and not from swapfs). beware that you might need more ram than the sum of the filesizes of your wavefiles (in pd everything is stored as 32bit-floats, no matter what the source format of your file is).
if you want to play huge files (>2min) asynchronously, then you might have to use a [readsf~] for each track. i never tested it myself, but i am not quite sure, if it is possible to play 50 streams from the disk at the same time without clicks, but check it out. it might work.
cheers roman
On Sat, 2007-09-01 at 12:39 -0400, berio wrote:
Hello everybody!
I am working on a project where I have to use a lot of tracks at the same time. I use around 50 tracks, and I would like to know if there are some simple patch (like a multiple tracks or something similar) to take a look.
Thanks a lot!
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