hi tried this, too but sometimes you open many instances of an array and pd doesnot know, which of them to rename, ... table is what i use maybe there is the possibility to use a message like ;pd-test.pd array 500 100 but then there appears a properties-dialog... it is also not a good solution to message :pd-nameoftable vis 1 because the properties of the table do not get saved!? marius.
Am Freitag, 1. Februar 2002 16:19 schrieb pix:
evil hack but maybe:
[loadbang] -> [symbol $0-array] -> |rename array $1(
might work.
with the real disadvantages being that you wont be able to save the patch without breaking the patch :)
(well, you have to rename the array back to "array" before saving).
also, perhaps there might be some kind of race condition regarding the "array" at the beginning if you have several of these patches opening.
On Fri, 01 Feb 2002 15:58:35 +0100
d dieb13@klingt.org wrote:
but then i won't see the array in my patch - thats my problem. lg d13b
no, use "table $0-xyz" marius.
Am Freitag, 1. Februar 2002 14:53 schrieb d:
hi list! this question allready appeared on the list, but afaik there was never a solution:
is it possible to give a unique $0-name to an array? $1-xyz or table $0-xyz workarounds won't help me because the array should be visible on my topmost patch. thanks for any hints regards d13b
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