Sounds like you want spatialization on a plane through 8 speakers positioned on a circle?
So you need to convert any cartesian locations to polar coords first. For an approximate 3D sound effect you really only need a function to create distance (and Doppler?) effects, and then feed that output, and the angle into the planner.
The Doppler effects are the trickiest obviously. Last time I checked, real time pitch shifting as a function of change in distance was best done in the Fourier domain. Not sure how real time that is these days.
Distance effects are just inverse square of distance (or 1/ d^1.5 according to some). Then add filters for high and low frequencies. Constant power panning and variants popular and easy for speakers on a circle.
There's pseudo code in this book from memory: Dodge, Charles; Jerse, Thomas A. 1997 Computer music : synthesis, composition, and performance. 2nd ed. New York : Schirmer Books ; London : Prentice Hall International.
On Tue, Sep 10, 2019, 3:10 PM Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
Em ter, 10 de set de 2019 às 16:42, Roman Haefeli escreveu:
Do you need the flexibility that Ambisoncis gives you?
doubt it.
Would like to be able to switch between 2D and 3D with the same system?
I'm not sure if what you want is different from [else/pan4~], but with 8 channels...
yeah, all I want is expand it to 8 channels, and I'm gonna call it [else/pan8~]
I'll let the other experts deal with "true spatilization" and people can just use these more sophisticated libraries for that. mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->