On 2011-03-08 16:46, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
On Tue, 8 Mar 2011, Matt Barber wrote:
Which reminds me: there used to be a problem with [delwrite~] where it would allocate its memory when the patch containing it loaded, based on the sample rate active at the time, such that if you switched Pd to a higher sample rate after the patch loaded, you'd have the same maximum number of samples of delay, but not the same maximum milliseconds. I remember there had been talk about fixing this, but if it's still a problem, this might be a reason not to set sample rate from the patch.
I fixed that problem. The fix has been accepted and I think that it went in pd-extended 42.5, but I think that it wasn't listed in the change log.
It's split over two tickets because I don't really understand the difference between the patch tracker and the bug tracker.
btw, a "bug" issue can be changed into a "patch" issue. i guess you need admin rights for that, though.
fgmasdr IOhannes