On Thu, Dec 22, 2022 at 9:59 AM Lorenzo Sutton lorenzofsutton@gmail.com wrote:
I'm sure this has come up a few times, but...
I still do think that having and LV2 external for Pd (Linux) would be really useful for various reasons:
LV2 is not at all limited to Linux though. It's simply a plugin-API which is fully cross-platform (probably supports more platforms than VST2/3).
- there is LADSPA and DSSI support but both are essentially dead /
frozen by now
You can still create (cross-platform) LADSPA and DSSI plugins using ie. DPF
I kind of expect people to say "why not go straight to CLAP?", but I personally agree that LV2 still has plenty of potential ;) JUCE7 (which a huge section of plugin devs use) also supports LV2 (plugin + hosting).
regards, Alexander
- Pd does have VST support, but VST is a non-free standard and has a
somewhat more limited ecosystem on Linux [*]
- Most importantly: mixing Pd's flexibility with Audio (DSP) and/or MIDI
programming and LV2 capabilities would be great and allow many interesting possibilities...
I see there is still this page: https://puredata.info/dev/summer-of-code/PluginHostLV2
where LV2 is cited as "the new emerging standard for audio plugins" (sic.)
[*] I'm wondering also if most of the Pd users' community is now on non-Linux platforms and therefore just happy to use VST therefore making something like LV2 (and by extension Linux) less relevant?
Just thought it would be interesting to re-open this discussion.
Cheers, Lorenzo
[1] https://kx.studio/Applications:Carla
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