I also agree on the need for the DOC, ABSTRACTIONS, APPLICATIONS (where pixelTANGO could be) and EXTRA should be extracted form the pd.app.
Also it would also make a lot of things easier if the path settings made in the PATH... window of Pure Data could be relative to pd.app and not always absolute.
On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 17:27:12 -0500, Thomas Ouellet Fredericks iamonthebeach@gmail.com wrote:
I needed an indentical XP and OSX package for my workshops. My package is simply miller's version with the externals I need to teach Pure Data. I will also include three "complete" abstractions :
- one to play soud files (very similar to xgroove~ but with integrated
file loading and without crossfading),
- another to play video files
- and a last one to manage soud files.
The package will also include a huge list of conversion tools taken from my lpn collection.
I would be happy to participate in a common distribution if:
- there is no installer ( I want my students to learn who to load librairies)
- I can include my abstractions in it.
- There is an identical XP version.
I also hope to get funds from the CIAM (ciam-art.org) to try to:
- port (or install) a lot of stuff to all versions
- make a categorized inventory of PD objects in French and English
- make a French version of the documentation
On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 16:41:20 -0500, B. Bogart ben@ekran.org wrote:
I had the same thought HC.
I had no idea Tom has an installer. Why did you start Tom?
PixelTANGO has a development installer but Its my intension to integrate it into the unified dot app. I have not worked out exactly how to do this because it was much easier to kludge a pixelTANGO app based on the pd 0.38 than it was to understand the .app build system that did not work for me.
Anyhow I think for pixelTANGO to be easily integrated into the unified .app that some slight changes may be required. I think it is very important that some folders are exposed to the user in /Applications. For dumping their own abstractions etc.. In the case of pixelTANGO we need exposed folders for:
scripts models fonts abstractions Examples
"Examples" could be moved into the PD help menu when we get that sorted out. Abstractions would be useful for everyone. If an end-user wants a new version of an external without reinstalling the .app it would also be handy to keep an extra folder exposed in there. I don't think it is resonable for the user to "show package contents". Fonts and Models are somewhat pixelTANGO specific, so perhaps they could go somewhere pixelTANGO specific... Scripts will by the pixelTANGO py scripts which need to be in the path. I guess these could just be dumped into the abstractions folder... Any opinion on this? It may also make more sense to have a scripts folder with py included in the package.
I did realize that one cannot link from a folder on the outside of the pd.app to a folder inside it. So I had to add redundant folders outside the PD.app that were included in the search-path.
Right now pixelTANGO is structured as:
/Applications/PixelTANGO/PixelTANGO-Examples /PixelTANGO.app /models /fonts /Gem-Examples /abstractions
You can download the .app (with bugs) from:
This version does not have the python script stuff yet.
Anyhow worth a look in terms of how folders outside the .app could work.
Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
It would be great if we could all join forces on the MacOS X Pd.apps. There would be much less duplicated effort then, and a much better and more up-to-date Pd.app available.
The code is all there, its poorly documented I will admit, but I will definitely answer any questions about it. And, of course, we encourage anyone who has something to contribute to become a developer in the SourceForge project.
As for the Help submenus, it was an incomplete effort, it definitely needs work.
On Mar 24, 2005, at 7:31 PM, Paris Treantafeles wrote:
thanks - i'm trying it out .
On Thursday, March 24, 2005, at 07:07 PM, Thomas Ouellet Fredericks wrote:
I also have a packaged os x pd at : http://data-art.uqam.ca/telechargement.php I also tried Burt's but it did not work.
On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 18:34:23 -0500, Paris Treantafeles paris@parisgraphics.com wrote:
I just got around to installing this and was wondering if it only runs on 10.3? I am using OS X v 10.2.8 and can run previous pd mac version pd-0.38-2 but when i try to run this one nothing happens at all.
Thanks, paris
On Wednesday, March 16, 2005, at 01:39 PM, Burt wrote:
> > Greetings again, > > I have posted a new version of an installer for OS X. > > http://pcm.peabody.jhu.edu/~sburt/pd/installing_pd_os_x.html > > Rob Lycett requested that I add the comport library and its > documentation, so I did. I was also frustrated by tcl/tk handling of > submenus within submenus. If anyone knows how to do this, please let > me know. So, I placed the 7.stuff subdirectories directly into the > Help menu which is not elegant and only temporary. I also added a > zexy submenu to Help (which I had previously forgotten). So, now > there should be easy to find documentation on basic PD objects, the > libraries Gem, vasp, pmpd, Han's hid, and Zexy, plus everything > inside > the stuff folder including (now) comport. > > I feel that a better way to organize the Help menu (with my > segregated > library approach) would be to do it with submenus for PD and major > libraries and an extra folder for smaller things: > > PD Documentation/ > HTML manual/ > control examples/ > audio examples/ > fft examples/ > Gem/ > pmpd/ > vasp/ > zexy/ > extras/ > hid/ > comport/ > stuff/ > audio playpen/ > data-structures/ > soundfile-tools/ > synth/ > tools/ > > Unfortunately, this would require a restructuring of PD documentation > as it is now, and I would have to understand how to create > submenus in > submenus in tcl/tk. Can anyone do this? What would be really cool > would be to adjust the Pd script so that Help documentation of a > particular library does not appear until the library is loaded. That > way, we avoid users opening help patches and getting messages about > objects not existing (or worse yet, PD crashing). > > > Samuel Burt > > > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > PD-list@iem.at mailing list > UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> > http://iem.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/pd-list
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