On 05/02/2016 11:28 AM, Alexandros Drymonitis wrote:
Hm, don't really know. iirc when I tried to compile test1 I got an error about po/, but I'm really not sure what it was.
it was unrelated. there have been two issues with the po/ directory, both of which have been fixed in Pd-0.47-0test3 afaict.
triggering a build-error
don't, if you used apt-get build-dep puredata
Then I tried to compile from the src/ directory. Compiling from the root directory did work. Though no bin/ directory was created,
that's because autotools doesn't create a bin/ directory.
while this directory was created when I compiled from the src/ directory. Compiling from the root directory puts the binaries (pd, pdsend etc.) in the src/ directory. Is this the correct behavior?
mfgsrd IOhannes