Hi ~Kyle,
But is the algorithm only supposed to generate 1/2 of the hfa array? I "doodled" in it, just to play with the convolution, and now the agorithm is only writing to the first 512 locations of the array. Is it a bug?
It is wanted to be like that; actually in the original algo
there are arrays (of noise and hfa coeff) of 2n elements: n
values are filled, the other are padded with zeros.
Then real fft is done on the first n and convolution on 2n
elements.. so mine is an adaptation of this. When I looked
at the spectrum (in audacity) the noise seems to behave
fine; my concern is the strange sensation
in hearing the noise, like a small "feedback" even on a
single channel of output for high alpha..
On 8/19/06, alberto.zin@poste.it alberto.zin@poste.it wrote:
attached is an abstraction for generation of "colored" noise (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colors_of_noise) using a relatively new method (by J.N. Kasdin, 1995) that uses frequency domain multiplication. White, pink, brown noise (and intermediate flavors) can be obtained by varying a single parameter (the slope of the spectrum in a linear log(PSD)-log(f) plot). I searched a bit in the archives and it seems to me that in for noise generation in PD we actually have noise~ (uniform white noise), pink~ (from zexy and cyclone) and a variety of filters, but no direct generation of 1/f^a noise (am I right?).
Inside the archive there is a short readme, look at it first. To me the patch sounds a little "tubby", let me know if you have the same feeling.
Any comment, suggestion for improvements is welcome.
The abstraction lives in http://www.puredata.org/Members/AlbertoZ
All the best,
Alberto Zin
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