Hello David,
Once you've successfully compiled flext, do the following in footils/fluid:
1- make sure you do 'mkdir pd-darwin' (missing dir there from cvs checkout...someone please add?)
I made a folder called pd-darwin
2- g++ -c -O6 -mcpu=G4 -DPD -I/usr/include/src -I/usr/local/lib -I../../grill/flext/source/ fluid/main.cpp -o pd-darwin/fluid.o
3- g++ -bundle -bundle_loader /usr/local/bin/pd -flat_namespace pd-darwin/fluid.o -lm -L/usr/local/lib -lfluidsynth /usr/local/lib/pd/flext/flext.a -framework veclib -o pd-darwin/fluid.pd_darwin
Here is the part from the makefile.pd_darwin that I am using, how should I convert this one so that it will give the above output that you mentioned?
# -----------------------------------------------------
include config-pd-darwin.txt
FLEXTLIB=$(FLEXTPATH)/flext.a # take threaded library for all
# compiler+linker stuff ### EDIT! ### #CXX=g++ #-3.2 INCLUDES=$(PDPATH) $(FLEXTPATH)/../source LIBPATH= FLAGS=-DPD CFLAGS=-O3 LIBS=m fluidsynth LDFLAGS=-bundle -bundle_loader /Users/mlab/pd/bin/pd -flat_namespace
# the rest can stay untouched # ----------------------------------------------
best, Koray.