hi thomas it doesnot seem to be nessesary to give the tail-lengths of rec, send, label in the binstructures? marius.
Special Structures: <binstruct1> is a 32 Bit-struct: bit 0: loadbang-init (0 or 1) * 1; bit 1 .. 6: tail-length of receive-name (0 .. 63) * 2; bit 7 .. 12: tail-length of send-name (0 .. 63) * 128; bit 13 .. 18: dollar-number of receive-name (0 .. 63) * 8192; bit 19 .. 24: dollar-number of send-name (0 .. 63) * 524288; bit 25 .. 31: used for internal flags;
<binstruct2> is a 32 Bit-struct: bit 0 .. 5: font-style (0 .. 63) * 1; bit 6: if there is a receive-name not eqval "empty" (0 or 1) *
bit 7: if there is a send-name not eqval "empty" (0 or 1) * 128; bit 8: label-name begins with "$0" {= unique-name} (0 or 1) *
bit 9: receive-name begins with "$0" {= unique-name} (0 or 1) *
bit 10: send-name begins with "$0" {= unique-name} (0 or 1) *
bit 11 .. 16: tail-length of label-name (0 .. 63) * 2048; bit 17 .. 22: dollar-number {$n} of label-name (0 .. 63) * 131072; bit 23 .. 31: used for internal flags;
colors: 0 .. 29 are the presets of prop.-dialog-window, top-left-color is
0, top-right is 9, middle-left is 10, ..
and bottom-right is 29; if negativ numbers: you can compose RGB-colors; each component from 0 to
63; GREEN-component * 64; RED-comp. * 4096;
and then add RED + GREEN + BLUE, negate it and add -1. (rgb_color
= -BLUE -64*GREEN -4096*RED - 1);
send-receive-label: if you want to give the object a send- or
receive-name, replace the "empty"-symbol
with "my_name".
if you want to give the object an unique-name, replace "empty" with
"$0-my_name" and set BIT 10, 9 or 8
of <binstruct2> (add 1024, 512 or 256 to font-style-dollar).
if you want to give the object a dollar-argument-send-name, replace 1st
"empty" with e.g. "$12-my_send" and
add to <binstruct1> loadbang-init-dollar: 524288 * 12 = 6291456; add to <binstruct1> loadbang-init-dollar: 128 * 8 = 1024; ("-my_send"
is the tail and has 8 characters)
(1024 + 6291456 = 6292480).
if you want to give the object a dollar-argument-receive-name, replace
2nd "empty" with e.g. "$3-my_receive" and
add to <binstruct1> loadbang-init-dollar: 8192 * 3 = 24576; add to <binstruct1> loadbang-init-dollar: 2 * 11 = 22; ("-my_receive"
is the tail and has 11 characters)
(22 + 24576 = 24598).