i think ~/Documents is for user-created documents,
The Processing and Arduino folders in ~/Documents contain a 'libraries' subfolder, which is considered the default place for user-installed libraries. But in the end, that's just the Processing way.
BTW, one thing I don't find so elegant (maybe that has changed now...) is that Deken will ask you *if* it should install the library in the default folder and you have to click 'no' to choose another directory. the question itself is a bit ambiguous and it doesn't seem very intuitive. IMHO it should rather ask you *where* to install by opening the panel. Just my two cents.
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 06. April 2017 um 17:22 Uhr Von: "IOhannes m zmoelnig" zmoelnig@iem.at An: pd-list@lists.iem.at Betreff: Re: [PD] New deken feature, create system user folder
On 2017-04-06 06:20, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
A parallel discussion in this thread is that the system folders change in MacOS, since ~/Library/Pd is an unusual and inconvenient place for that (an example is processing using ~/Documents instead)
i think ~/Documents is for user-created documents, whereas ~/Libraries is for storing resources related to an application, such as plugins and libraries [1]. afaict, a Pd-library (e.g. downloaded via deken) very much belongs into the category of "plugins and libraries", rather than "user-created documents". so according to Apple's guidelines, ~/Library/Pd seems to be the correct place to install Pd-libraries into.
iiuic, ~/Documents/Pd would be used for storing the patches you are currently working on. this probably should be the default working directory on OSX (i unfondly remember the days when it used to be '/')
i think the processing analogy also only takes the being-worked-on documents into account, rather than reusable libraries.
(as i sidenote, this makes it out of the scope for deken (so nothing that *i* would implement ;-)))
fgmsdrt IOhannes
[1] https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/FileManagement/Con...
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