# Hi, while I was looking some examples for my chip design class I came across with this site: http://www.fpga.synth.net/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=FPGASynth.PhaseDistortionOscil... where it talks about the idea of Phase Distortion Oscillator: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phase_distortion_synthesis # I made a very simple implementation of it with Pure Data. (Actually PD is very fast for realizing the ideas!) And want to share it. # I am attaching the patch: PhaseDistortion.pd There are two tables with the same length. First table includes the phase values of the sin function, ie. if the n.th point in the first table has the value x_n then n.th point in the second has the value of sin(2*pi*x_n). My patch is not versatile. It has only one parameter for manipulating the first table. You can change it with the slider and see its effects. (There is some aliasing, because I did not used any interpolation for reading from the table) # Have a nice day! -ugur-