FWIW pd-l2ork is currently linux only. On May 30, 2013 5:49 PM, "Alexandre Torres Porres" porres@gmail.com wrote:
If you don't need cutting edge software and kernels
I just need Pd :-)
And maybe some audio software (DAW) running free plugins to interact with the noise coming from Pd.
2013/5/30 Charles Z Henry czhenry@gmail.com
On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 3:43 PM, Alexandre Torres Porres < porres@gmail.com> wrote:
I use macs by the way. Don't know if that is an issue. Like being next to an impossible task to install a nice hardcore ("the best one") linux distribution in it.
I'm interested in other people's responses here too. I'm a debian fan, but also I'm not a hardcore developer. Probably, it doesn't matter which distro to choose--all of them can be optimized (but you should at least have one with a new-ish 3.x series kernel at this time). If you don't need cutting edge software and kernels, stay away from Fedora and Ubuntu.
As for Mac hardware, the biggest pain in the ass is the broadcom wifi drivers. Get things set up and installed with an ethernet cable plugged in, before you try to set up the wifi. You need to download a lot of things first. The wifi firmware needs to get extracted from the proprietary drivers... and the kernel modules need to be rebuilt every time you update the kernel. Watch out.
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