Nose Hair wrote:
I think I figured it out. It looks like I have to use t_symbol *sym
instead of t_symbol sym and the outlet has to be x->outlet_new(x-x_outlet0, &*sym).
&*sym is the same as sym.
That seemed to work. The weird problem I am
having now it I get an error with the return(void *)x; I get error: return-statement with a value, in function returning 'void'.
I guess you declared your function as void whatever() instead of void *whatever().
Now I see return(void *)x; on almost all the external codes so I
don't get it. I am also getting an error on the void your_class_setup (void) { part too. Error: a function-definition is not allowed here before '{' token. I am confused. About compiling as C, the problem is that I am using c ++ headers from the opencv library and I don't know if I can compile
as C?
You need to use the extern "C" construct. Have a look at the beginning and end of m_pd.h.