what about some other germanophones on the list cast their ballot on
this question?
frank, what's your opinion?
i taught pd to german speaking non-nerds with russian as their second
language and i think they appreciated that i used nachrichten instead
of messages.. but maybe you're right and i spent to much time in
montreal and became to sensible about political correct language
usage ;)
or alternatively we make an austrian version of pdpedia...
greetings, m.
Am 03.10.2007 um 12:23 schrieb IOhannes m zmoelnig:
Max Neupert wrote:
hi iohannes, marius, i think roman is correct with “Nachrichten” like in: „eine Nachricht verschicken an...“ not like in watching the news though. ;]
well obviously. the question is whether we should translate "pure data" as "reine
daten" ("rein" as in "reines wasser", not as in "rheingold").after all, it is a translation to german, not french.
fgmadsr. IOhannes