Yes, the reason that I thought IOhannes was funny wasn't because of insult, but becaust he actually had a good point about how difficult it can be to find the right object. Some kind of keyword/tag-based system would be nice for searching for those vague tools that you can't quite recall the names of.
On 5/4/06, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
geiger wrote:
On Wed, 3 May 2006, Charles Henry wrote:
yes, that was pretty sarcastic... I think a sarcastic tutorial is a great idea. wait a one knows what I'm saying...what is this some kind of text based forum that can't encode inflections?
The problem is that such a message has several interpretations, it might be
- insulting (to the one who asked the question)
- funny
- express shortcomings in how pd works
- explain how to look for objects
- ...
The list should be a place where questions can be asked without fearing that someone makes fun of you in public, which was my interpretation of the message.
i definitely did not want to make fun of peter or anyone else. if he felt insulted, i feel sorry and apologize.
what i did try was to encourage people (in general) to look out for built-in objects. ...
and obviously i forgot puredatabase (most likely because this option for finding option lies somewhat within my responsibility): hmm, let's think: which object could do that? grabbing the keyboard...let's search the pdb.. ... hmm, no object found;
note to myself: put a HUGE error message on the pdb-website that it is out of order and doesn't find _any_ object.
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