the files are still available on this page : http://musa.poperbu.net/index.php/puredata-mainmenu-50#pdpcap or directly http://musa.poperbu.net/files/pcap0.0.5.tar.gz I tired to compile it several times mainly on ubuntu & debian, it works but I never managed to get the content of the packets in hex or ascii format whereas I have the other infos so I switched to shell and tcpdump http://wiki.labomedia.org/index.php/Scripts_bash_linux_audiovisuel#Network_s... let me know if it works for you
++ b
Le 10/12/2015 14:45, IOhannes m zmoelnig a écrit :
On 2015-12-10 14:41, Olivier Baudu wrote:
Does anyone have a version of the project somewhere ? Or, an other "pd native" way to sniff network ?
i don't.
but you might be more specific on which level/layer you want to sniff. (in a way a trivial [netreceive -b -u 7000] is a network sniffer that will sniff for all UDP/broadcast traffic on port 7000 ;-))
fgmasdr IOhannes
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