I think its a permissions issue, there was some discussion in the past
about it, but I don't remember off hand what the resolution was.
Check the archives. Basically, Ubuntu recently made it harder to get
the HID data in the interest of security. Hmm, this should be a FAQ
entry, but I don't think it is...
On Apr 3, 2009, at 8:04 AM, tfric@learnkanji.ca wrote:
I have been unable to get the Ubuntu HID object working with my
mouse or my Wacom Graphire4 in Ubuntu 8.1. I am currently using Wintablet in windows but to use it the top window has to be wintablet, not PD so PD can't get keyboard events at the same time as wacom events.I don't get error messages but no events come out. I searched the mail archives and followed the advice there. I am not getting any output
when I do sudo cat /dev/input/event0-10 or /dev/input/mouse0 or /dev/input/ mice or /dev/input/wacom. The Xorg.conf doesn't contain anything related to Wacom, it is all handled by HAL in Ubuntu 8.1. Is that where the
problem is coming from? Has anyone sorted this out already?
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