I am working with http://www.amorphicrobotworks.org to help them move from Max/MSP on MacOS 9 to Pd on Windows so that don't need two computers for each robot. Currently the set up is two computers: one Windows PC running ShowFlow/HRBox (http://www.mediamat.com/) responding to MIDI input; and one Mac running Max/MSP to control the HRBox software using MIDI. By using PD, we can have both programs running on one computer. Also, we can save money by not having to buy Max/MSP for each robot.
So this got me thinking. The ShowFlow/HRBox software is expensive and we are basically only using the PID loop control features of it, so if I could do this in Pd, as well as the data aquisition, then I could run the whole robot using Pd alone. So I am wondering whether anyone else has tried using Pd to control robots?