Hi David,
If you want to use firmata, Paul Stoffregen is working on this. Follow the instruction on http://www.pjrc.com/tmp/firmata/readme.html I adjusted the mega-test.pd of his pduino package to 53 pin-outs (attached). Tested (with his version of firmata). The following digital outs are working: 2-23 and 38-53. Of course the firmata should also work with max.. Hope it helps,
Best, Bart
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 11:53 AM, David Kirkpatrick djk_1200@hotmail.comwrote:
What is the status of Pduino's compatibility with the Arduino Mega at the moment? I'm designing an installation for the Sydney Opera House that'll need Pd to read the status of about 25 digital pins. Will Pduino-0.5beta6 be able to handle input from 25 digital pins, or max out at 14 (the number of digital pins on a normal Arduino)?
Thanks for your help,
David Kirkpatrick davidk.com.au
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