Hello Pierre,
you can get ip adress with windows cmd
In pd-extended there is [flatspace/popen] object for that,
you need to create a file called 'getip.bat' containing those lines:
@echo off
for /F "usebackq tokens=14" %%i in (ipconfig ^| find /i "IPv4"
) do echo %%i
and then you can grab the ip adress from the computer you are in by sending [getip.bat< message to [popen] like this:
[getip.bat< | [flatspace/popen< |
<symbol box>
both patch and batch files must be in the same directory, or put the batch file into pd/bin to run it from anywhere
----- "Pedro Lopes" pedro.lopes@ist.utl.pt a écrit :
<lame-solution> Even if there's no shell/system object for windoes (I'm not using win so I cannot really answer) you can easily create a batch script (a windows shell script) that saves the output of ipconfig in a file. Then parse the file with pd and extract the ip from there.
It can even by dynamic in the sense that your shell script can be a sort of cron (linux scheduled jobs, I think are called sheduled services in win) and can run a number of times. Thus your game could see the file for the lastest IP.
On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 11:57 PM, Pierre Massat < pimassat@gmail.com > wrote:
Hi all,
Is it possible to get my computer's IP from inside Pd? I know it's possible in Linux using the shell object, but it doesn't exist in windows. I'm trying to make a game requiring two players to play on two different computers, and it'd be very annoying if each user had to find her IP before playing.
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-- Pedro Lopes (MSc) contact: pedro.lopes@ist.utl.pt website: http://web.ist.utl.pt/Pedro.Lopes / http://pedrolopesresearch.wordpress.com/
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