Hi IOhannes,
sorry for beeing unclear.
the quoted tutorial shows an alpha blending method to mix to videos. i know that it working nicely when i checked it some time ago. now the same patch does not do the blending anymore.
so my question is: did i screw up my system or does somebody ele experience the same problem (and what could it possibly be).
(pd 0.38 package osx)
Am 28.02.2005 um 13:37 schrieb IOhannes m zmoelnig:
Max Neupert wrote:
hi, the video mixing as described in the gem tutorial http://taproot.dyndns.org/~cgc/tutorial_gem/tutorial8.html used to work nicely but now it does not anymore. is it just me (my system) or did something change?
what should i say now ?
thanks for checking.
please, clarify yourself
mfg.ad.sr IOhannes
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