i once tryed this and was partly successful. i used a 7100/80, MkLinux DR2.something and pd 0.22. compiling went ok, but the audio output was stuttering and you could not adjust the buffer because there was no proper sounddriver. this result is no wonder regarding the resources of the machine, now... ;)
i would suggest using LinuxPPC which seemed to prove more stable than MkLinux. also there are OSS drivers available now.
i know of a guy who had this combination working on a G3 Laptop (first series). opt, what was his name... -> japan.
sure ROCKS on a G4 500Mhz... :)
also there was rumours on the list that someone worked on porting pd to macintosh and already had a very basic version ready...
best, g
At 16:12 Uhr +0200 22.09.1999, Søren Bovbjerg wrote:
Hi PD'ers
Some of my friends at Aalborg University are working on an interactive installation and are considering using PD to do some of the work. The problem: they are Mac people! So: will PD run under Linux on a Mac? Has anybody had any succes with that? Can it be done? It will have to be recompiled, for sure.
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