unfortunatly i dont have the "file" command on this image, however, if i open a help file (eg pd -nogui /usr/lib/pd/extra/cyclone/svf~-help.pd) i dont get any errors which to my understanding means that the object is loading and compiled correctly?
On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 4:18 PM iftah gabbai ift.gab@gmail.com wrote:
im running it on a rpi3(32bit) kernel v4.19, i got the file from the cyclone git, its version 0.3 for pd 0.49 which im also running, the same file worked fine on raspbian buster lite, im not on my computer now but ill check the file method later, thanks again!
On Wed 20. Nov 2019 at 16:14, IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig@iem.at wrote:
On 20.11.19 15:58, iftah gabbai wrote:
/usr/bin/pd: ´/usr/lib/pd/extra/cyclone/svf~.pd_linux is not an ELF file
*that* seems to be the issue you are having. what is this "/usr/lib/pd/extra/cyclone/svf~.pd_linux" file, if it is not an ELF file? hint: start with running
file /usr/lib/pd/extra/cyclone/svf~.pd_linux
where did you get that file from? what is the architecture of your target system? (where you are running Pd).
fgsdmr IOhannes
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