Hi, me again, IMHE, freezes when doing something wrong ... ie error in the ip or send a variable that does not exist, generally functions well, now, you could try with mr peach osc.
El 1 de agosto de 2011 15:25, José Luis Santorcuato Tapia < santorcuato76@gmail.com> escribió:
Hello, IMHE, netsend works perfectly in Linux, OSX and Windows, the only thing to keep in mind is the ip of the computer to control and call the variables are equal, they are sent and those received.
José 2011/8/1 ico@vt.edu
Quoting Jeppi Jeppi jeppiot@hotmail.com:
Hi,I would like to know whether there are any fixes to the current oddities regarding netsend/netreceive usage and GUI updates. When receiving massive OSC data from other laptops, our central patch gets frozen (only the GUI, it still works but it is unusable). This is a rather serious bug which prevents absolutely pd networking... Ivica's seems disis_netsend to solve it rather well, but it's only for linux. Any plans to incorporate such fixes into the canonical version?Thanks in advance!Josep M
Those externals should work on all versions of Pd as they in and of themselves are not linux-specific.
Best wishes,
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