On Aug 11, 2009, at 5:11 AM, Georg Werner wrote:
IOhannes m zmoelnig:
Gabriel Vinazza wrote:
Man! this is great! excellent job :)
yep. congrats, looks great (though i have only seen the video...)
thanks! (there was a little mistake so please download toolkit.pd
again if you want to try it)as author of this library and the one who gave it its name, i would
also like to stress that the library is called "iemguts" all lower
case and without any underscores or funny characters.sorry. dont know where i got this spelling from. i corrected it.
BTW.. How do you get the object numbers? I mean, every object on
the patch has a number (assigned by creation order) but I never figured out the way to get it in order to mess with connect msgs and things like that.this is all part of the wonderful world of iemguts. (actually, exposing things like these is one of the ideas behind
iemguts)yeah. thank you again.
BTW: i think i found a bug in iemguts. if i close a patch with
toolkit inside and dont save it pd crashes. cheers g.
Any word on 2list-sort?