during my recent work with pdstrings, 2 issues came upon me.
[any2string]: this object usually terminates the output string with a 0 (after all it is a somewhat arkward representation of a c-string). it would be cool if one could change this, and make it configurable.
currently i have to [list split] the string list before the last element (using [list length]) and then [list append] CRLF. this seems a bit of an overhead to me.
[string2any]: analogous to the above described behaviour, [string2any] will stop processing whenever it encounters a "0" string element. for instance "97 32 98 0 99" will result in a 2-element list "a b". this prevents the user from simply concatenating to strings generated with [any2string] (since the result of the latter will include a terminating 0 which will make the former stop when processing the concatenated list).
what i would like to have is: [any2string]: make the string end configurable; e.g. [any2string 0] will create \0 terminated strings; [any2string 13 10] will terminate the string with CRLF; for compatibility reasons i would let [anystring] (without args) output the 0-terminated list (even though if i had the chance i would prefer to it to not use any terminating elemets at all per default); one could imagine a 2nd inlet to set the terminator (sending an empty list would mean "no termination")
[string2any]: what i would really like, is having [string2any] output multiple messages if it encounters a "delimiter" (instead of a "terminator"), e.g. "0"; this would make "97 32 98 0 99" output "a b" and "c".
[string2any]: analogous to the [any2string] request i would love to be able to change the delimiter (again: via arguments and/or 2nd inlet); for instance i am dealing with strings delimited by CRLF (get them from [tcpserver]), and parsing that into several messages (line-by-line) is a task i would like to be done within [string2any].
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