There is no one saying we have to abandon any of the libraries that are included in Pd-extended.
you published a list of abandonned libraries...
I am saying that I cannot keep up with all of the maintenance of all of the libraries that I currently maintain in Pd-extended.
that's a different issue, i'm glad you'd rather explain it that way.
I need help with that. I have taken on many libraries which have no other maintainer. For things like PDP, PiDiP, etc. I hope that people who actually use them will maintain them, and I can help where I can.
I barely do anything with video, so I hardly know how to test PDP, etc.
i know that but pd-extended was supposed to do video too no?
Even better, the people working on pure:dyne packages and people working on Pd-extended packages can merge efforts, get them into Debian, then there will be no difference between PDP/PiDiP/etc whether its included in pure:dyne or Pd-extended on Debian, Ubuntu, etc. We are already well along that road.
i understood there was no real agreement here, because your packaging rules diverge no? let's see what pure:dyne people can say about this,
'You people have such restrictive dress for women,’ she said, hobbling away in three inch heels and panty hose to finish out another pink-collar temp pool day. - “Hijab Scene #2", by Mohja Kahf