okay, to avoid any confusion: in Pd's help patch for netsend some Max objects called 'netsend' and 'netreceive' are mentioned (the link given there does not work any longer...). These objects are different from the ones I made and here is what's actually different:
how it is done in Pd
With my objects I've tried to stick as close as possible to the Pd objects (but I don't support the 'old' flag....). So everything you see in the help patches for Pd can be done exactly the same way in Max. But the text in the netreceive help patch from Pd 0.36 still states "Incoming network messages appear in 'receive' objects;" This is no longer true (unless the 'old' flag is set to explicitly switch back to this old mode).
To send messages of arbitrary length, the following (using 'l2s' from zexy) should work:
[your list of arbitrary length with 23 floats and probably symbols] | [l2s] | [send $1] | [netsend]
By converting a list to a symbol it shrinks down to a constant length of always one symbol, regardless the original list length. netreceive will unpack it into a list again before sending it through it's outlet.
jose manuel berenguer schrieb:
as far as i know, netsend and netreceive work with lists ... i haven't tested the limit of length, but if you send the message, say,
(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11)
and you connect the left outlet of netreceive to a print object you will see the list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 on the terminal
if you connect this left outlet to a message (set $1), and the outlet of this message to an empty message box, you will get 0
if you connect it to a message (set $1 $2), you will get 0 1
(set $1 $2 $3) will give 0 1 2, and so on...until $9...
if you connect the left outlet of netreceive to an unpack object you will retrieve all integers sent...
if you start the list by a symbol, you can retrieve it by forcing unpack to process a symbol (s) in its first analyzed atom
if you place a symbol in any other place of your outgoing list, you should also inform unpack about the position...
the list fuu 4 4 4 fiii
should be read by unpack s 0 0 0 s.
you need, indeed, connect outlets 1 and 5 to symbol boxes...
in max, you need only connect the left outlet of netreceive to a prepend set object connected to an empty message box...
I remember some time ago I tried a pd netsend/netreceive object for Max and it would only accept single element messages, for instance, 3 64; would be accepted as just 3. Is this object you're talking about a different one that will accept messages with multiple elements?
sjs http://www.this.is/harmony
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-- Jose Manuel Berenguer jmbeal@telefonica.net +34932857046 +34696538403 jmberenguer@cccb.org +34933064128 http://sonoscop.cccb.org http://ocaos.cccb.org/caos Sonoscop/Orquesta del Caos. CCCB. Montalegre, 5. 08001 Barcelona. Spain
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