On Jul 11, 2006, at 12:50 PM, patco wrote:
your attached patch doesn't crash pd, it just seems to work even
if I don't know yet what to do with it, because I would like to
open an image file for texturing the openGL geos.I might have been confused during all the tests I've done because
[GEMglLoadName] doesn't crash.I also believed that glLoadName could solve this image loading for glBindTexture problem, but apparently it's related to something else.
...yeh, glLoadName has nothing to do with loading textures from disk,
if that's what you were thinking: use [pix_image] & [pix_texture]
for that...
[GEMglGenTexture] crashes after object creation with the patch I
have attached (I've added a "_" to not crash).
...yeh, I got a crash when trying it: I'll have to look into why a
bit later...
Without having any GEM documentation for openGL huge set of functions, it's very difficult to find out how to make them working, then I am trying to follow openGL scripting tutorials and re- interpret them with GEM objects.
...well, there are two example patches in examples/09.openGL, but we
sure could use more...I've often wanted to create something like a
port of the "nehe" tutorials, but just haven't gotten around to
it...Ultimately, the best documentation for gem's opengl functions is
the "red book": you won't get far without knowing the basics of Open
GL, and it's really well written...
This method often brings some errors, and these errors are making harder to do something expected.
I am suspecting that GEM is able to change openGL configuration, is that right?
...sure, the open gl wrapper objects allow for extremely rapid
prototyping, without recompilation...the other objects in Gem can
perhaps best be viewed as "shorthand": they provide simplified,
abstracted interfaces to a whole series of typical graphics tasks,
like opening media (images, movies, models, shaders, etc.) and
setting up texturing and viewpoints...
It would be very sympathic to have a place where we could share openGL patches, or a cvs folder, or a more consistent openGL folder in GEM
...I've always thought that this is a very powerful side of GEM, but
it's true that it's under-documented...but then Gem in general is
under-documented, and it's a big to-do for us...of course, any help
is welcome!
I am using the last windows version of gem, downloaded from
official site, and didn't make some tests yet with the linux version.
...unfortunately, that version is waaaaay outta date: we are
seriously remiss in not releasing "early and often"...so, your best
bet is to grab cvs and compile it yourself...
Also if any developper of Win32 last version of GEM is reading, [hsv2rgb] doesn't work anymore.
...I think this was fixed in cvs a bit ago...
many thanks for the attention, and for the attached patch.
enjoy, jamie