On Fre, 2018-02-02 at 18:31 +0000, Dario Sanfilippo wrote:
There's an implementation of a peak holder in this blog post: http:// dariosanfilippo.tumblr.com/post/162523174771/lookahead-limiting-in- pure-data. I remember testing it but please let me know if you find a bug.
Very nice write up. Thanks for sharing.
The current peak is replaced to whatever the input is after a desired time, and the counter is reset whenever a new peak is found. It should be easy to change it so that the peak is reset periodically.
It's not exactly equivalent with what I've asked, since your implementation only takes new peaks into account after the hold period has ended. Assume an input signal consisting of a series of 1-sample impulses with a period that is slightly lower than the hold period. The output signal has a gap before each second impulse. For the use case in your article (which is also the use case I'm interested in), that doesn't matter much, because the peak holder signal is fed to a peak enveloper which somewhat masks those gaps.
I'm going to use your implementation for peak holding. Thanks!