On Mon, 2017-06-19 at 16:39 +0200, Matt Davey wrote:
Sorry, i really do love pd, and feel like lately all i am doing is complaining about fiddly annoyances, but this one has gotten me repeatedly, and i felt it might be easy to fix (?):
If you copy an object (ie: ctrl+C), or select an area and copy all objects inside that area, and then paste directly again (ie: ctrl+V), the newly created objects are actually placed UNDER the original object.
So, when you try to move the newly created object, you end up moving your original.
This gets particularly frustrating if you copy/paste a big bunch of objects at once, and then do something else before realising, and can't access the undo function any more.
I do understand your frustration, but I almost never hit this problem which is - I believe - related to my work flow. I only use Ctrl-c Ctrl- v when copying from one canvas to another. When copying inside the same canvas, I use Ctrl-d which duplicates the selected objects and shifts the copied version by 10 pixels on each axis. Since the copy is already selected, I only use the keyboard to move around the copy with Shift and arrow keys. I moved them so far until there is no overlap anymore and it is safe to use the mouse to move the group around without creating a mess. I found that on Linux moving selections of objects is quite comfortable with the keyboard, but on Macs the key repeat interval is so slow that it makes the process tedious.