Am 19.04.2006 um 18:20 schrieb Frank Barknecht:
(I cc. to the list as well, I hope you don't mind.)
Sciss hat gesagt: // Sciss wrote:
so i guess you can often omit the selector for the left inlet because that's a special "accepts all" inlet, right?
No, that's not dependent of the inlet number although as a convention most objects accept meta-messages at their first inlet. However you cannot just omit the selector. It really depends on the object that gets this message. For example "set" and "symbol set" are two very different messages, which you can see by creating a graphical
symbol-object with Ctrl-4, and connecting a [set( and a [symbol set( message to it. Pressing the "set" message will not change, what you typed into the symbol, however "symbol set" will input "set" into the symbol-atom.
here is what i mean:
#N canvas 0 22 454 304 16; #X obj 106 131 pack s s; #X obj 107 168 print; #X msg 107 48 gaga; #X msg 180 48 gaga; #X text 230 48 NO!; #X text 61 47 YES!; #X msg 224 93 symbol gaga; #X connect 0 0 1 0; #X connect 2 0 0 0; #X connect 3 0 0 1; #X connect 6 0 0 1;
pack accepts a "metasymbol" as first inlet (so i *can* omit the
selector here), but only a "symbol" as second inlet. i experience
this behaviour with many objects. no ?
ciao, -sciss-