Bernhard Zösmayr wrote:
hello everyone,
can anybody tell me how to use the "pix_write" - object proper or where I can find documentation about it ?
aye !
although i have coded it, i had a lot of problems myself, getting it to work ;-) in theory, it should write down a frameshot to disk, either by "bang"ing it, or automatically each render-cycle.
anyhow, pix_write is very pre-alpha (and therefore not documented)) hopefully i will find some time to add jpeg-support and make the controlling somehow sensible (or at least, understandable). it shouldn't be that hard. since the control-behaviour is VERY likey to change, i wouldn't use it very much...
creation: 4 arguments are allowed, 2 are (still) recommended: "pix_write 0 0 100 100" will snap a image of size 100x100pixels, starting in the lower-left corner. if your gem-win is 256x256 pixels large, you will capture about 1/4 (and not the whole frame, scaled down to 100x100) "pix_write 256 256" will capture a 256x256-pixel-sized frame, starting at 0+0
you can change both position and size by sending pairs of floats to the second (third) inlet.
usage: "auto 0" will *start* writing TIFFs each rendering-cycle "auto" will *stop* writing TIFFs "auto <n>" should start writing compressed (level <n>) JPEGs, but is not yet implemented
"auto mypath 0", should *start* writing TIFFS named mypath<i>, with i counting from 0 upwards.
i do not know, whether it really works this way.... i do hope, that i will find some time soon to fix the behaviour (stop "auto" stopping to automatically write and "auto 0" start it,...)
mfg.csa.df IOhannes
thanks a lot