i am trying to make a patch involving a live camera on PD 0.49.0 (64bit) with Gem 0.94_pre1 (64bit) on a windows 7/64bit machine.
so far everything works alright, but i can't set the camera resolution !
unfortunately the default resolution is 160x120, which is pretty useless. so far i found no way to change that resolution, the "dimen" message does nothing and setting width/height via the props method also doesn't work.
now here's another strange thing: with PD 0.48 and Gem 0.93 (both 32bit), when i opened the camera dialog (with the "dialog" message to [pix_video]), 2 windows opened: 1 for the camera driver settings (brightness, contrast, exposure etc.) and 1 for the resolution.
so with the fomer (32bit) version of Gem i COULD set the camera resolution to the desired dimension.
however, sending "dialog" to [pix_video] in the 64bit version described above, i only get 1 window, the one with the driver properties (which btw i can also set via the "props" method)
can anybody help me in this regard ? is there a workaround to manually set the camera's resolution ?
unfortunately i need the 64bit version of Gem because of the amount of RAM i need (i record video frames over some peroid of time, and the 32bit version is limited for my needs). plus the 32bit version doesn't work (i already reported that to the list)
thanks for any hints