Hmmm, so far we have suggestions to use Lua and SC :)
There are many good reasons to choose other languages.
Csound - history, stability, SAOL encapsualtion Nyquist (LISP) lends itself well to parallelism SC - instance management/polyphony, recursion
But let's focus on Pd since this is Pd list and the proposed plan is to use Pd with Blender as EA have done :)
Mark Danks suggested to me that they found it rather trivial to accomplish. The challenges I suggest would make a 'perfect world', but aren't essential to a basic working system.
The power of Pd, over CS, SC, LISP, Lua is *developmenmt time*
Games require numerous resources to be created, quickly and in an easily maintainable way. This, and being designed for realtime execution, are Pds enormous strengths.
On Thu, 14 Feb 2008 11:02:32 -0600 "chris clepper" wrote:
On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Andy Farnell wrote:
i) Dynamic DSP graph reconfiguration. The ability to seamlessly (no clicks or dropouts) create and destroy graph elements and garbage collect on the fly.
ii) Through a supported (official and documented) message passing system
iii) Intermediate object manager layer (Python?) (as suggested Pd objects) to create, coordinate, destroy sound objects.
vi) Some properly optimised reverb and spacialisation (5.1 etc) objs (as C externs)
SuperCollider pretty much covers this list and it seems well suited for working with a game.