are you not getting unreliable latency due to the local network connection between your gpios and pd processes and triggers? When I used this method previously, timings between gpio reading and pd receiving the udp packages varied between 5 to 15ms.
Patco wrote on 24/11/2022 15:51:
Hello, My actual favorite method to read/write GPIO ports is about using a python script outside PureData and manage communication between the python script and PureData with UDP socket. This way there is no limitation on PureData side about how to handle GPIO, and this way makes possible management through other softwares or from another computer. It’s very easy and stable, and there are many examples about how to use sockets with python.
Le 24 nov. 2022 à 13:46, Simon Iten itensimon@gmail.com a écrit :
What is the *current* prefered method to read GPIO pins from within PD on a raspberry pi 4?
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